Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Short Story - Kata

Photo by Elisabeth Cintami

Di sebuah balkon kampus, sore hari...

                “A. A. Apa. Apa?” Kali ini Karin pusing sekali. Hanya untuk membaca kata “apa” saja seperti sedang membaca rumus matematika. Namun rasa pusing itu tidak sebanding dengan rasa hancur di hatinya setelah dokter mengatakan bahwa dirinya menderita disleksia setelah mengalami benturan keras di kepalanya karena dipukuli oleh beberapa senior di kampusnya.

                Sekarang Karin tidak bisa membaca seperti dulu lagi. Prestasinya yang gemilang dulu seperti sia-sia belaka. Ia sudah tidak lagi sanggup menerima keadaannya yang sekarang.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Short Story - That A Crow Will Smile Like A Dove

That A Crow Will Smile Like A Dove

     With my very big wings, I flew across this town in the midnight to do my job. I love the night so much as its atmosphere is always warm and safe to me. The midnight gives me freedom to fly, to walk, to swim and also to breathe. I often think that my love to the night is caused by my background that tells the fact about the darkness. I was born into the darkness, at least the darkness that always be a part of human thoughts.